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Jesus in Movies: No More

“Jesus in Movies” was a unique and thought-provoking podcast that reviewed and related movies to themes that traced truth and the gospel. Hosted by Graham Hooten and Kevin, the podcast analyzed movies through a spiritual lens and offered a fresh perspective on the world of cinema. The hosts explored the stories of our time and the parallels to the story of all time. 

Sadly, on the October 14th, 2022, episode of “Jesus in Movies,” titled “An Unexpected Death,” the podcast announced that the podcast was ending due to time commitments and potential career conflicts. Co-host Kevin expressed concerns that the podcast’s title could potentially limit his career in the movie industry. Throughout the episode, Graham and Kevin reflected on the many movies they reviewed and prespectives on the podcasts they most enjoyed. They discussed their reasons for ending the podcast and Kevin expressed his hopes for the future, as he explored a career in the film industry. The hosts expressed gratitude for the listeners who supported the podcast and encouraged them along the way.

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“A Quiet Place” was one of the movies that Jesus in Movies explored. The movie told the story of a family struggling to survive in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by monsters sensitive to sound. The family had to live in complete silence to avoid detection, and in the midst of all the chaos, the mother was pregnant and about to give birth. The family did everything they could to protect the unborn child.

Jesus in Movies, used “A Quiet Place” ( leads: John Krasinski, and wife, Emily Blunt ) to explore the family’s pro-life position in the face of overwhelming odds. They touched on the family’s deep commitment to protecting the life of their unborn child, even in the face of almost certain death.  They discussed the powerful meaning behind the father’s sacrafice  ( John Krasinski’s character ) for his children and how it related to the gospel message of self-sacrifice and love, “I love you, I have ALWAYS loved you” a very Jesus style quote.  The sacrifice is deepened through the daughter’s feelings of guilt from the horrific loss of a younger sibling to a monster in the opening scene.  The father makes it clear to his daughter, all guilt has been removed, that he loves her, he will always love her.

Overall, Jesus in Movies, Podcast provided a fascinating and unique perspective on the world of cinema. Through the thoughtful analysis and interpretation of movies, the podcast provided a fresh and exciting way to engage with the Bible. Whether you were a movie lover or someone trying to understand the significance of Jesus and the Bible, “Jesus in Movies” was a podcast that was well worth your time. Although the podcast has ended, the legacy of “Jesus in Movies” will continue to inspire and encourage those who seek to explore deeper meaning in the stories that are told through film.

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Eric Larson

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