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Ask anyone what the purpose or role of government is, and you are bound to get a myriad of answers.  It really is an important question to be contemplated because the United States was found on the principle that “We the People”, we decide policies within the framework of the US Constitution.

In Abraham Lincoln’s view, the role of government was primarily to preserve the Union and ensure the continuation of the American experiment in democracy. He believed that the government was established to serve the people and protect their rights, and that its ultimate goal was to ensure the “general Welfare” and “Blessings of Liberty” as outlined in the Constitution.

During his presidency, Lincoln famously said in his Gettysburg Address that the government is “of the people, by the people, for the people,” emphasizing that it exists to serve the will of the citizens, not to dominate them. Throughout the American Civil War, Lincoln saw the preservation of the Union as a vital aspect of the government’s role, and he was willing to take strong measures to protect it.

In his view, the role of government also included preserving and expanding individual liberties, promoting economic growth and opportunity, and ensuring social and political stability. Overall, Lincoln saw the role of government as a crucial tool for promoting the common good and preserving the Union, and his vision remains a seminal influence on American political thought.

Ronald Reagan, who served as the 40th President of the United States, had a unique perspective on the role of government. He believed in limited government and advocated for a reduction in the size and scope of federal government involvement in the economy and daily life of citizens. Reagan believed that the role of government should be limited to protecting the rights of individuals and maintaining law and order, and that it should not play a dominant role in the economy or in people’s lives.

Reagan famously said, “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem,” and he sought to reduce government regulations and spending in order to allow for more individual freedom and economic growth. He advocated for a smaller, more efficient government that focused on its core responsibilities, such as national defense and law enforcement, while leaving more space for individuals and businesses to succeed.

Reagan’s vision of limited government was rooted in his belief in the power of individual liberty and free markets, and his view that the role of government should be to provide a stable and predictable environment in which these values can flourish. He saw the role of government as a means to an end, not an end in itself, and his perspective continues to influence American political thought and the conservative movement.


When the government gets involved, all they tend to do is shift burdens from those who are less productive to those who are more productive. They tend to do things like reduce productivity, over-regulate when they seek to merely prevent basic things like fraud and redistribute according to the legislator’s favorite businesses or interests. Nothing good generally happens when the government gets involved in the economy. 

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Eric Larson

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